Current Lab Members

PhD Students

Alyssa obtained a BSc from the University of Manitoba and an MSc from the University of Windsor. Currently, she is pursuing her PhD, focusing on thick-billed murres. Her research involves studying the impact of shipping related to Baffinlands iron ore mine on the breeding population of murres at Cape Graham Moore, Nunavut. Dr. Grant Gilchrist from ECCC is co-supervising her studies.

Christina graduated as a Biology Honours student at McGill University. Her MSc thesis was also completed at McGill University. Her PhD now focuses on plastic-related contaminants in seabirds breeding in the Gulf of St. Lawrence using biologging devices and historical data. Co-supervised by Dr. Raphaël Lavoie (ECCC). 

Carter. Carter did his B.Sc. at the University of Toronto and his M.Sc. at Laurentian University. His doctoral research focuses on investigating sources of decline in Black-Legged Kittiwakes in the Gulf of St. Lawrence using historical monitoring data, biologging, and predictive modelling approaches. Co-supervised by Dr. Raphaël Lavoie (ECCC).

​Eliane completed her undergraduate degree at McGill in Environmental Biology. Her M.Sc. thesis focuses on exploring the potentials of PIT tagging as a technology which allows for the collection of large amounts of data with limited disturbance, specifically in two auk species: the ground-nesting rhinoceros auklet and the cliff-nesting thick-billed murre.

Anne-Marie completed her BSc in Biology with a concentration in Biodiversity, Ecology, and Evolution at Université de Montréal. Currently, she is pursuing her MSc project under the guidance of Dr. Kyle Elliott and Dr. Barbara Frei. While studying at Concordia University for a semester, she developed a keen interest in urban ecology, coupled with her enduring passion for birds, which she finds endlessly captivating. For her MSc project, Anne-Marie has chosen to focus on the Northern Cardinal, a bird species, within the urban environment of Montreal. Her research aims to investigate the movement patterns of Northern Cardinals across urban green spaces during the non-breeding season and establish connections to urban nature management practices.

Émile completed his B.Sc. in biology at UDEM and his M.Sc. at McGill University. He is the recipient of the third BOU Pat & John Warham studentship, and studies the effect of marine heat waves on king penguins in the French sub-Antarctic islands (Kerguelen, specifically). He is co-supervised with Charly Bost at CNRS (Chize).  Check out his most recent research here.

Marianne completed her B.Sc. in ecology at the Université de Sherbrooke and a M.Sc. degree in biology at the Université de Moncton. Her Ph.D. project focuses on Thick-billed murres genetics and mate selection. She will be seen working at Coats Island, Nunavut, for the summers to come. co-supervised by Vicki Friesen (Queen’s University). Check out her most recent research here.

Julia completed her M.Sc. at Acadia University and a B.Sc.H. at Dalhousie University. Her PhD research focuses on seabirds as ecological indicators of contaminants in Arctic ecosystems. Julia examines the presence and impact of plastic and plastic-related contaminants in black-legged kittiwakes. Co-supervised by Mark Mallory (Acadia University).

Katelyn completed a B.Sc. in Environmental Biology at McGill University and spent several years doing fieldwork with aquatic birds and fish. Her M.Sc. research focuses on the diet and foraging behavior of black-legged kittiwakes in the Gulf of Alaska. She aims to study the distribution of prey by coupling prey samples to the foraging locations of GPS-tracked individuals.

M.Sc. Students


Anaïs completed her PhD at UBO exploring mercury accumulation processes in tunas in the global ocean. She continued as a postdoctoral fellow at La Rochelle Université and IRD using mercury stable isotopes to examine the trophic ecology of micronekton. Anaïs is now exploring the bioaccumulation and movement of plastic-related contaminants into thick-billed murres and glaucous gulls breeding at Coats Island, co-supervised by Kim Fernie (ECCC).

Honours Students

Cassandra Ciafro

Past Students